A review by readingwithana
Deviation by Heather Hildenbrand


(Review thanks to a free digital ARC from NetGalley)
Starts off right where Imitation left off and it continues to follow Ven, a clone who has to replace her Authentic. She no longer wants to lead this life in which she has to impersonate someone else; she wants to be her own person. Ven's life is at more risk than ever before since she has become involved in liberating all of the other clones like herself. She is at risk at losing all the friendships she has made thus far but even her whole existence.

If I thought the first book was good, this one definitely gets better. There is a lot more action and the stakes are higher than ever before. I like how the author has developed this world and made it even more complex. It is obvious that she really thought this plot through since not everything is not as simple as it may seem. I found this is important because I believe it is necessary in order to have Ven figure out why the multiple clones are being created.

The ending for the second book is heartbreaking. I wanted so much more and I was on the edge of my seat just to be left with a cliffhanger. I really hope there is a third novel of the series in the future. There should be because of the kind of note the second book ended on. I have so many more things to say about this novel but since it is the second to a series, I do not want to accidently give out ant spoilers.

This is a great series and it definitely needs more attention.