A review by kellypigeon
This Little Light by Lori Lansens


I am struggling to rate this one. It held my interest throughout while driving me crazy. The protagonist is a 16 year old aspiring writer who "likes vocabulary" but uses words like "prolly" constantly. She is adamant in her opinions, which gets very preachy at times, but then again, that makes the voice pretty authentic for a self-righteous teenager. The blog writing style (recapping events from weeks or minutes ago) will bother some people, but I thought it worked for what it was trying to do.

Lastly, I'm afraid politics will determine many reviews. Abortion, contraception, DACA, transgender, abuse... what controversial topic isn't in this book? I would not be surprised if there are some low ratings or DNF by those whose religious/political views conflict. Something to keep in mind as you read other reviews.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from a Goodreads Giveaway.