A review by myweereads
Abarat: Absolute Midnight by Clive Barker


“Hopelessness is reasonable. But nothing of worth in my life came of reason. Not my love, not my art, not my heaven. So I am hopeful..”

Absolute Darkness by Clive Barker is the third volume in the series of The Abarat story and it takes us through the devastating destruction that is being planned by Mater Motely. She wants to envelope Abarat in complete darkness getting rid of the sun, moon and stars. She starts the end of the world and the only obstacle in her way is Candy Quackenbush, the heroine from Chickentown, USA.

This has to be the darkest of the three books. Abarat is a magical world which brings fantasy and horrors to reality and both scares and pleases the reader. Barker has managed to bring about the end of this world for all the residents and the hereafter in a very visceral way. You are left surprised at the development of the characters and don’t expect it to be such an emotional war.

Mater Motely unveils even more evil upon everybody and her past is revealed. Candy is persistent in protecting her friends even though it means the end for her too. Barker excels the relationships between characters through his expressive way of writing and illustrations. The undoing of this diverse world is written in a disturbing, imaginative, unsettling, magical and horrific manner.

The journey the reader takes from the first book to the second is one which is beautiful and fun but when you get to Absolute Midnight like the title suggests the tone of it is a lot darker and disturbing. It’s sad to see adventures coming to an end and I never want this story to come to a stop and need a fourth book 😩

As a famous Carrion once said “ I am hopeful..” 😉