A review by cl_bonner
Game of Strength and Storm by Rachel Menard

Did not finish book.
I received an arc of this book from Netgalley and the publisher for an honest review

I started off really liking this book. And honestly I still like it. But I ended up DNFing this book.

The concept is so clever and imaginative and I really like it. But the actual plot ended up being rather predictable and it just hasn’t hooked me. I got 37% of the way through this book before I put it down officially but I have been trying to read this book for a few weeks now and just have no urge to pick it back up ever.

Normally I rate a book I DNF 1 star but I’m giving this book 2 stars because it is something I think lots of people will enjoy and could get really hooked on. But I believe the target audience may be slightly younger than me (I’m 23) despite it advertised as general YA. I feel like if I read this as a young teen I would have adored it. Right now I can say I only like it but not enough to pick it back up and finish.