A review by cassthebookseller
Wilder Girls by Rory Power



This was absolutely phenomenal- a beautifully written combination of Lord of the Flies, Maze Runner and Annihilation. I don’t even know what else to say about it because I am in complete shock at what I’m feeling.

It’s so difficult to read an anticipated book for the new year, because the hype cannot possibly live up to its expectations. I prepared for this, going in. It was a interesting concept, the cover art is to die for, and a few reviewers that I respect and admire have high praises. I was undoubtedly unprepared for the reality of how incredible this actually was!

The writing blew me away. Power stayed true to her name, she wrote with such confidence and it was so intoxicating. Each word was dripping with poooooowwwwer! I loved the pacing and the characterization. I loved the world building and the way the backstory was revealed. And, despite the ending leaving you hungry for more, it’s non-ending feeling really couldn’t spoil it.

It’s going into my shelf of favorites, for sure. Thank you Edelweiss for this ARC. I cannot wait to hand sell this to customers. And, buy a copy for myself!