A review by jrc2011
Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence by Daniel Goleman


If you expect this book to give you pointers on how to improve your focus - you may be sorely disappointed. Goleman's writing flows like a series of blog posts or podcasts that string together a variety of topics under the rubric of integral systems thinking, neuroscience and loosely "focus."

I enjoyed this as an audio book and admit that I had a bit of a giggle when I realized the book was going off on a Ken Wilbur "holon" kind of tangent which I quite enjoyed about the planet and the environment. Then, in subsequent chapters, he didn't take up the environmental theme in quite the same way.

I recommend you enjoy this as a collection rather than a continuous cloth - don't seek novel information about neuroscience, just appreciate the voice of an empathic intellectual on a range of critical topics.