A review by pebbles1984
The Girl from the Train by Irma Joubert


I received this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this book that spans around 15 years. I loved the main characters, Gretl and Jakob. I think I fell in love with Gretl from page 1. I was surprised (in a positive way) that it is such a positive book. I expected it to be about the war a lot, including its atrocities. Though the war played a role in the whole book, and the first part was set during the war, it was about so much more. I was happy that Gretl
Spoiler found such a happy home in South Africa. All the time I was worried that after all she had been through in the war she would end up in an unloving family, but thankfully she didn't!
At the end there was maybe a little bit too much of the love-stuff
Spoiler (these I love you you love me but we can't be together stories work on my nerves)
but ah well.