A review by its_beautifully_bookish
I Hated You First by Rachel John


Overall Rating: 3⭐️ 

This book is a PG interesting read, if you are not looking for anything heavy this is the book! Do I wish it was longer? Yes! Do I wish it was deeper? Sometimes! But did I fall in love with these characters? Hell yes I did! Would I read it again? Definitely!

Spice Rating: 1🔥

Ok so when I say PG I mean PG nothing wrong with this but I think I would have liked a sprinkle of spice in here to add a bit of depth to the storyline.

Format: Love this cartoon cover it really draws to the story and I love the blue tones so again a win for me!!

Favourite Quote: “you already know I am bad at scrabble. Now you want me to come up with a four letter word that’s between like and love?”

This scrabble scene has me melting the cute overload in here where the grandparents are seen in a different view and it’s such an adorable moment that could definitely happen IRL and I lived for it.

Genre: Romance

A brothers best friend trope this book follows the classic storyline you can’t wait to read! You knew from the first page who was who in this romance and you were able to follow it through the dual POV as it changed and grew.