A review by happycrafter207
The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn


so I am kind of at a 3.5 rating.
Anna Fox, now living alone in her three story brownstone, well alone that is except for Daniel, her basement tenant. Her husband and daughter, are elsewhere, though she talks to them daily. A trauma in her near past, has left her an agrophobic, subsisting on items from the internet that can be delivered. Her main activities were watching Black and White movies from old, and peering into the lives of her neighbors. It is while peering through one of these windows, that she believes she is witnessing a dangerous incident. An updated take on the movie, Rear Window, perhaps. But is she, and why will no one believe her?

The suspense and the wanting to know is a prevalent factor here. One just keeps turning the pages, it was rather engrossing, but.....the execution could have been better. There were things that bothered me, didn't make sense within the context of the novels. Some large plot points that just withered away after being so prominent, leaving me unsatisfied. Disrupted the flow of the story, and made everything that happened unbelievable. Did love the ode to the old movies though, and as I said it did draw me in, there were just a few things I could not overlook.