A review by jaimejustreadsromance
The Austen Playbook by Lucy Parker


I was so excited to read this story after seeing the cover and reading the blurb but, I’ll be honest, it wasn’t exactly what I expected. Not that I didn’t enjoy the book but it wasn’t the fun, lighthearted read that I expected. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t angsty, emotional or tragic but it didn’t exactly feel like the romance I was anticipating.

There was a lot of focus on the play, the cast and the shared, and very complicated history between the heroine and hero’s families. While all of it was interesting, I was just wishing there had been more focus on the romance between Griff and Freddy. I really enjoyed their opposites attract, rivals to lovers romance. They had great chemistry and banter and I just wanted more.

I was sucked in to the storyline of the secondary characters enough that I will definitely be reading more from this series. There will me more, right?

*I received an advanced copy from the publisher for voluntary review