A review by bocasbri
Fifteen Hundred Miles from the Sun by Jonny Garza Villa


what a cute queer romance! i don’t normally love long-distance romances, especially when they are in high school. but i found this one to be so cute and wholesome. i was really sitting here smiling and kicking my feet. jules and mat felt like a good match. jules did piss me off with some of his ignoring of mat. since they were long distance and mat had no idea if he was safe, i felt like that was extra cruel. but i can understand that some characters are just a bit more avoidant (but mat should still have been madder than he was haha. although it was sad that jules didn’t get into ucla, i appreciated that everything didn’t just perfectly pan out for them! he was able to still modify his dream to something that may have been an even better fit. his dad’s abuse was well incorporated to have an impact but not be the main focus. jules had so much love from his friends and other family members that ultimately became the focus! i am excited to read this author's future work.