A review by mariasmusings
The Berlin Wall: 13 August 1961 - 9 November 1989 by Frederick Taylor


'The Berlin Wall: 13 August 1961 - 9 November 1989' is an updated version of the original book by Frederick Taylor, with some new material added to the introduction and postscript to reflect the current society that we live in. With 2019, being the anniversary of the fall of the infamous Berlin Wall, I found myself becoming curious about the events leading up to the building of the wall and what life must have been life for those living in 'East Berlin'. Having looked through the catalogue in my local library, I discovered that the selection of books available online was rather limited, but thankfully, Taylor's book has come to the rescue.
Expertly researched, Taylor provides not just the historical details but also the human dimension to the tale – an aspect that is often overlooked or treated as a secondary consideration in history texts.
Absolutely worth a read.