A review by octavia_cade
The Mauritius Command by Patrick O'Brian


Given that I'm reading these books primarily for the wonderful Dr. Maturin, this particular volume was not one of my favourites. He's a supporting character here, while the lion's share of the page space goes to the tedious Aubrey and the endless boring sea battles that go on and on and on. I doubt Aubrey will be pitched overboard and drowned any time soon, to sink like the millstone he is, but I can't help but think I find this series the more interesting the more Maturin is featured. And to be honest, four books in they're becoming a wee bit formulaic: Aubrey is in financial trouble onshore, he then wangles a command where, against all odds, he defeats a superior force, and is finally feted for it with dinners and prizes that he'll no doubt lose before the beginning of book 5 because he's just that financially incompetent. I can hardly wait. Please, Dr. Maturin, if I pick up the next volume, be more present in it.