A review by nachtsternlachen
Promises Part 2 by A.E. Via


4.25**** stars

Well I liked that part much more that I initially thought. With a plot I didn’t expect after reading the blurb. And *sigh, Aiden Snow makes just every (audio)book better.

I’m very happy for Quick and Cayson ♡


“Marry me.”

Hahahaha he hasn’t even said "I love you“ yet!!
Ah okay, here it is…

“I know it seems rushed and too fast, but …. You’re it.”
“I love you, Cayson. …I love you from a place so deep, that I feel like I’ve just started to live life. That a missing part of me has come alive, and it feels so good when I’m with you. …”


I’m so glad I love being in this world of A.E. Via because since the beginning of the series I can’t wait for the story of book #4 [b:Promises Part 4|52337295|Promises Part 4 (Bounty Hunters #4)|A.E. Via|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1584076281l/52337295._SX50_.jpg|60275217] - so it’s okay that there is the third book for me to listen to first.