A review by murderbot42
Hunt for Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda by Tom Taylor


Dude, I love Tom Taylor! I discovered him this year (last year?) while reading X-Men Red, thought he was hilarious so I made sure to commit the author to memory. Then I heard he was doing Superman: Son of Kal'El and that whole "controversy" which is no controversy at all actually (basically queer people are real and deserve to be written about; shocker I know!), and I thought, man that dude is bona fide. Like must be an awesome genuine good dude to hang around. So awesome that he's involved and pushing the envelope and I already know he's a good author so it's a win/win.

So I'm already excited to start the "Hunt for Wolverine" minis, and then I see that Tom Taylor is writing one of them! win/win/win apparently! And it's really just as good as I thought it was going to be. If you've read any of the minis before the main Return to Wolverine comic, you'll know that
nothing actually really happens in these to push the plot forward any. Well a little something happens in each, but it's really miniscule. But they each tell their own story and for me how well I enjoyed them really depended on how well that story stood on its own and kept me interested and involved.
And this book captured my imagination fantastically! It was so great to see the old New Avengers gang back together again! I really wish they'd make that a thing. Them all coming together every now and then; maybe every year for "family" reunions?
Also, who else thought it was hilarious that Spider-Man kept wearing this giant ass mask thing when all the others had shucked theirs because he still hasn't "come out" to most of his friends in the superhero community? So funny.

Recommended for: Obviously fans of Wolverine, but also fans of Tom Taylor and some really fantastic humor in your comic book stories. For the record: I recommend Adamantium Agenda and Weapon Lost, not the other two minis in the Hunt for Wolverine event. (I won't name them here because I don't want to name drop on a comic mini that I did not actually read but just skimmed through and decided wasn't for me. I think that would be mean and unfair, but if you follow the story at all, you'll know which two I mean.)