A review by asimilarkite
The Imaginary by A.F. Harrold


This is EXACTLY the kind of book I would have loved when I was in 4th grade. I probably would have giddily showed it around to all my friends to freak them out with the creepy pictures, and wanted to dress up as Mr. Bunting's creepy imaginary friend for Halloween (maybe a friend of mine would wear a Hawaiian shirt and be Mr. Bunting with me?).

It has such a good concept. And I am SO happy Emily Gravett is expanding beyond creating her own amazing picture books to do art for older kids, 'cause she is just great.

It's funny, 'cause the hook of this book is that it is creepy. The book design is amazing at supporting the hook (good job, publisher). But I worry a LITTLE that kids who are looking for something truly scary will be slightly turned off by the little bit of sweetness that's poking out of the corners of everything :) It really is, at its core, kind of a sweet book.