A review by peeled_grape
My Happy Life by Lydia Millet


Jesus Christ. This novel. It rivals "The Road" as far as depressing content goes, though this one is more heartbreaking and less bleak, I'd say. It is as much the way the story is told as the plot itself. The narrator is entirely unaware of her own pain, considering herself fortunate in situations that are horrible: for example, when she is struck by lightning (which happens in the first 20 pages so it's not a spoiler), she expresses gratitude that the sky chose her to touch. It's so unfortunate that it is a little outlandish, at first, but then it moves into a less episodic style, and starts to really take form. It's terrible! And you should definitely do something fun and light after reading this! But there are some moments in here that are really stunning and dark all at once, and it's worth reading this just for those moments.