A review by theamyleblanc
Triple Sec by TJ Alexander

  • Loveable characters? Yes


I received a copy of this story from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this book! I loved the restaurant industry setting and the abundance of queer representation. So many of the drinks sounded delicious -- I would've loved to help Mel and the group taste test them.

The story is told third person from Mel's PoV. I think the single PoV is perfect for this story but the third person narrative created a remove from all the characters. While Mel and Bebe and Kade were distinct and memorable, I wasn't able to connect with them as much as I would've liked.

The pacing was solid, for the most part. There was a moment towards the middle when it started to drag but overall it was good. The relationships unfolded in a way that made sense. The steamy scenes were beautifully done, as well. The balance was perfect and I appreciated them more than I expected!

I do have two bones to pick. First: Kade is very neurodivergently-coded and it's a shame that isn't explored.

Second: why did the author, at 88% through the book, decide to hate on "dime-a-dozen bartenders at tacky tourist traps" and say they have no pride in their work? As a former bartender (not mixologist like Mel) who worked in tacky tourist traps, I can tell you we absolutely take pride in our work. And to have Bebe deliver that line, of all people? It felt out of character and gross. And unnecessary.

Anyway, we need more depictions of non-traditional romances. As Mel learned, there are more people than you might think whose romantic relationships look nothing like a monogamous, til-death-do-us-part couple. Give this a read!