A review by allhdvm
The Takeover by Cara Tanamachi


Toggle Internal Chat: Fun Book!

The interplay between the FMC & MMC was excellent, though the whole book felt like it was set in high school with the amount of banter and insults that were thrown around. It became repetitive when discussing the hall monitor and valedictorian aspects of the 2 MC’s. Neither MC seemed to have grown or changed much since high school, resulting in a book that felt more YA/NA than Adult. A lot of interesting family dynamics were at play in the book. Sibling relationships received much attention, but the desires of the parents were often a key focus for the MC.

I enjoyed the multicultural and disability representation, which makes sense in a city like Chicago. The side characters made the whole book, and I too left the book feeling like Toggle was part of my family.

Much appreciation to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC. All opinions are my own.