A review by sangloup
The Labyrinth: An Existential Odyssey with Jean-Paul Sartre by Ben Argon


Extreme Book Nerd Challenge 2021 - Category #40
Challenge Topic: Title from or story inspired by another literary work.

This was a graphic novel that was inspired by the work "Being and Nothingness" by Jean-Paul Sartre. He is a Philosopher and his work was published in 1943.

I am not all that in to Philosophy. I have to admit that in college it was my least favorite subject because it always seemed like everyone was just talking in circles. And I hate to admit... it still feels like that. I liked the way this book was able to break it down with pictures and less words.... but it was still talking in circles. However, there were a couple of sections that really stood out with me and a few quotes that stuck with me too.

"The world means what we mean. And beyond the meaning we give... nothing?"

"The world is different... if we're different"