A review by jen286
Wrath by Claire C. Riley


Wrath was an okay read, but not that exciting. It is the third in this series and...it felt like the same story as the first two. The same story so much that I waited a bit to write this reveiw and I kept having to be like wait is this the girl who is x? Or is she the one that y? It all blurs together and makes it just a meh read. If it were the first time reading this storyline, guy falls for girls, wants to get into the Elite, his task is do something to mess up his chances with girl and he struggles with it, I might have enjoyed it more. As it was I was itching for something different instead of the same old same old. It is just odd that everyone so far has found the one right when they are trying to get into the Elite and are tasked with destroying the one. I think these books would work better if they were not trying to be romances as I don't think everyone would magically fall in love at the same time.

Samuel wants to join the Elite Seven so he can take care of his twin sister and get out from under his dad's thumb. He hates his family, with the exception of his sister whom he would do anything for. So he has to get into the Elite Seven to have power and money and influence. Now the romance aspect is one that I would normally enjoy, but adding in the Elite stuff made it meh at best. Like I was okay with them falling in love, but hoped his tasks would be something different. You could make them still have to do horrible things to join, but maybe to someone else? I don't know. Like with the first book the Elite stuff was a let down in this one.

Now there is a slight thread of what will happen in the end that does keep me curious for the next book. To see what happens. To see what happens to Lillian and the people in charge of the Elite. I will say this book ended in a place I was not expecting and I am curious if we will see how it all plays out in the next books. But if the next books are the same basic storyline, same tasks involved to join the Elite, I don't know that I will keep reading to the end.

*Note: I received a free copy of this book for voluntary review consideration