A review by howifeelaboutbooks
Drinking with Strangers: Music Lessons from a Teenage Bullet Belt by Butch Walker, Matt Diehl


Butch Walker's songs are witty and thought-provoking, and it's no surprise that his book is written in the same style as his lyrics. Drinking with Strangers is a refreshingly honest tale centering on the music industry, but told from Walker's personal point of view. He shares a lot about his life, at times glossing over any substance abuse and marital issues but I didn't have much of a problem with that because it's not some gritty, gossip-y tell-all. He admitted to bad choices he made, like working with certain people he should have turned down while passing on projects he could have made a fortune from and becoming materialistic when he let fame go to his head.

If you love Walker's music, you will love reading his story, which almost feels like having a conversation with him. For a man with such talent and fame, he is extremely down to earth and doesn't stroke his ego, even though he's certainly earned it.