A review by itputsthebookupontheshelf
When Villains Rise by Rebecca Schaeffer


I've been a huge fan of this series from the start. This book has sat at the top of my most anticipated of 2020 since the release of the last book Only Ashes Remain.

I did not love this book, but I think it was because I listened to it on audio and did not care for the narrator. Did I enjoy it, yes. Was it a good book, yes. Did I get the answers I was looking for, yes. Also, the series itself is dark and messy, and though we get that with this final book, I felt it was missing something.

I felt the book could have either been longer, or we really needed another book. So much happens in the book, yet I kept feeling like it was going so slow. I guess it was just that most of the action happens in the second half of the book whereas in OAR, it was action packed from start to finish.

We have all of our key players with Nita, Kovit, Fabricio and Nita's mother. We also get glimpses of Adair, more background on Zebra-stripes and how INHUP started. So many things fell in place and there were so many twists. It was also great watching our characters work through emotions and come together to get shit done.

As I write this review, I am realizing how much I really did enjoy this book. Taking the time to actually think about what I read in this context makes me feel like I just wanted MORE, I'm not ready for this series to be over! 4.5 ⭐

Rebecca is an outstanding writer with a fabulously creative mind. PLEASE write another book for this series, even if it's just a novela! That being said, Ican't wait to see what else Schaeffer comes out with.

Thank you the Netgalley and HMH Teen for copy of this title in exchange for an honest review.