A review by typicalbooks
With a Voice that is Often Still Confused But is Becoming Ever Louder and Clearer by J.R. Hamantaschen


You can see by how fast I read this collection, how much I enjoyed it. Rarely does one read for pleasure with that speed unless it's your day job. It's even more rare that I write a review. So, that said, I highly recommend this to all ~ whether you are a fan of horror, the weird, literary fiction or that slipstream gen-x style nihilistic urban fantasy (or whatever it is called) this will have a song for you. Each entry as strong as the last, the characters are very rich even if they are represented in a couple pages or dozens. The stories vary in length and mood, and I like that as much as I like the varying degrees of 'weird' and 'earthbound'. Also, being on a Lovecraft kick lately helps. The 'weird' is unfurled here, for the most part, as opposed to cloaked, and there is one story that really tickles the Lovecraft 'fan' in me mostly because I'm not a 'fanatic' in the 21st century sense. Then there is the slasher angle, which I absolutely loved. Yeah, this was really great. Hoping for a wider release as I've my copy thanks to the author who sent one my way as we've been published alongside one another in the past and tend to read similarly - very pleased to have had a chance to read this fresh out of the gate.