A review by randireadsromance89
Fire by Molly McAdams


Each one of these books follows the Dixon brothers and their childhood into adulthood. Their stories are sad to say the least. Each book ends in a happy ending but good god is it a journey. If you’ve read these books I’m curious to know who your favorite Dixon is. It’s funny, you like each Dixon as you finished the book I’m curious how you felt about them reading the next book.

HANDS DOWN Beau Dixon is my favorite. Throughout the entire series I genuinely disliked him. He was mean, rude, and just overall not a nice person. But once I got to his story I was completely and utterly falling for him!

My next favorite is probably a tie between Cayson and Hunter.

These boys went through a lot in their childhood and will probably break your heart. The author sure did an amazing job making you think you had a specific feeling about each brother until you got to his book.