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A review by greyhuigris
Under the Rainbow by Celia Laskey



The premise of this book was interesting, and it really could have been either a very funny satire or a really emotional rollercoaster of a novel... instead, it reads as cliched and didactic.

One of the biggest problems with the book is that each chapter takes the perspective of a different person in Big Burr. Because of this, none of the characters are given enough time to really breathe and develop fully, and without the layers that could help these characters feel more fully realized, they come off as caricatures.

Beyond this, there really isn't much depth to the story. Things happen, but they don't seem to have much point.
Spoiler One character is hit by a car at the end of one chapter. It then jumps to another character, and nothing comes of that other than finding out she is wheelchair-bound.
Why even include this?

I really wanted to like this, but unfortunately, everything just fell flat.