A review by onetruenorth
Game Changer by Neal Shusterman


[4.5 stars]

neal shusterman officially occupies a place in my list of favorite authors, and here’s why: i can open any book with his name on the title and know that it is going to be a good one. i’ve read quite a few of his works and i’ve never been let down, which is impressive and a wonderful feeling. i can’t wait to tackle everything he has published, ever.

i’d give a lot to be able to spend a day in neal shusterman’s mind. he comes up with these unique and ideas, and then is somehow able to create complex, page-turning novels out of them. the idea used for game changer was this: imagine that you’re the center of the universe. no, literally. this is what happens to our main character, ash. at every friday night football game, when he gets bonked in the head, the results are not only life but world-changing. imagine a world where stop signs are not red, but blue. what would be different?

things start out small, but progressively get bigger and more consequential as the book continues. heavy topics such as racism, homophobia, and sexism are tackled, in his way of writing that handles such topics with both care and a touch of humor. emotional abuse was also touched upon and given the gravity it deserves, which satisfied a craving i have always looked for in novels.

what can i say about this book? well, it’s a game changer