A review by timinbc
The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry by C.M. Waggoner


I like the way Waggoner plays with expectations and has fun writing.

First, Delly is exactly the right amount of capable, has very believable self-doubt, but is clearly a Good Person in the end.

I think it's terrific that we are just given that trolls intermarry with humans, no one thinks anything of it, and no explanation is given. Winn is a delightful Field Hockey Captain and Ted Lasso all in one.

The secondary characters all have quirks and imperfections, but the good ones are always driven in the right direction by being Basically Good.

The drip plot isn't great, and the baddies are not interesting. But I think the story's meant to be about the people, and we aren't meant to examine the plot too much.

We knew it would all come right in the end with Fiona, I mean Winn, and it does. Anything else would have been unsatisfactory.

And Buttons, who started out icky and became a Personality. His story arc was predictable but well played.

And I am left with Delly's wonderful made-up words.

I will read as many of these as Waggoner wants to write. There's something fresh about it.