A review by smrankin5
Life Is Hard: How Philosophy Can Help Us Find Our Way by Kieran Setiya


This book was a bit tough for a non-philosopher to read, but many parts of it were so helpful for me.
Mostly the chapter about failure. "The foundational myth of failure is that it's our own fault...We can be at fault for failure, but the chaos of contingency in life reminds us that control is never absolute and often limited".

Also the discussion around Telic and Atelic activities. Those that has a terminus, and those that don't. That the value lies in the process, not the project. To me this spoke to spending time doing work you don't enjoy, working hard at the expense of your health, happiness, fulfillment with the hope that their will be a reward at the end. The only thing is, you have little control over whether that reward comes at the end. It is very human ideal that we have more control than we do. It made me relook at my life in a really profound way

"There is no way to eliminate failure in every form and no point pretending that results don't matter. But we can reframe how we live our lives so that our failures are less central"

"Learning how to live a better life, one less mortgaged to success and failure, attuned not just to project but to process"