A review by krisandburn
East, West: Stories by Salman Rushdie


I found this short story collection in a charity shop a while ago. I had never read anything by Salman Rushdie and thought it would be a good way to see what he was all about. I think I am glad I read this, but it left me rather cold in the end.

The collection in split into three section: East, West and East,West. I quite enjoyed the stories in the East and East,West sections, but the stories in West really did nothing at all for me. My favourite section was the East, West, probably because clashes of culture are such a fascinating subject. My favourite stories in the collection overall were the first one, Good Advice is Rarer than Rubies, ad the final one, The Courter.

Culture, human nature, identity and belonging have big parts to play in a lot of these stories. Although the writing itself was really good, there were too few stories that I got sucked into that I cannot say I actually liked this collection as much as I had hoped. The stories simply did not give enough.

Having said that, I would like to give a full novel by the author a try, because he is clearly a very good writer.