A review by theresidentbookworm
Ladycastle #4 by Becca Farrow, Ashley A. Woods, Delilah S. Dawson


Thoughts On Ladycastle #4

1. This might be the best cover of the four. I don't know why, but I really love it.

2. Apparently, no one told this knight that King Mancastle was dead and that all the men are dead. Now that I think about it, does anybody outside the kingdom itself know about this? Shouldn't they maybe know about this?

3. Aeve is not going to let that stupid curse her over controlling father threatened her with stop her from saving her sister. (Even if it does turn her into a gorgon.)

4. King Merinor and the other women of Ladycastle rallying around Aeve and supporting her gorgon or not is amazing. Women supporting other women is what I need in my fiction and my life.

The fact that King Mancastle had his own daughter cursed just to control her and her life proves that he is a complete piece of crap and card-carrying member of the patriarchy that deserved to be eaten by a dragon.

6. I know what the Ten Joust Pronouncements are spoofing. Everyone knows what it is spoofing. I couldn't help but try to sing it as I read it. Also, this line in it killed me: "Number Six: Leave a note for your favorite little sister. Tell her that you're sorry and for six years that you missed her."

7. Does anyone ship King Merinor and Aeve together? Maybe just a little bit? No? Alright then, never mind.

8. The villain not being that what they seem... And also Aeve is a great role model. Someone want to make this animated series? Cartoon Network, get on it!

9. I love Aeve's unwillingness to choose between two bad options, instead choosing her people and who she is know no matter what that is.

10. Anyone else feel like this is an epic cliffhanger? I think there should be more issues in this series.