A review by qkjgrubb
The Architect by Keith Ablow


This is my second book in my Read Alphabetically Thru The Library Project. The beauty of this project is that I read books that I would never pick up on my own. This is one of those books -- a dark, and at times grisly, thriller. The "Architect" is a diabolical serial killer who believes that he can creatively kill to put people's lives aright. He's scary, to be sure, but he's so implausible that this could have been fantasy. To be fair, it's the sixth one in a series by the author and I have not read them, so I was a bit lost and confused as to the private life of the POV character, a law enforcement officer, Clevenger, because the main plot -- the twisted objectives of the architect -- was more interesting. I give the book three stars because I found the villain implausible, his actions too disturbing and I was dissatisfied with the ending, hoping that Clevenger would "save the day" in a more thorough sense. The villain's last crime was far too horrible for my tastes. I found the writing to be lacking in artistry -- I wasn't wowed by any elements of the book. But I finished it and glad I read it for the sake of my project.