A review by natashaniezgoda
Hot Love Inferno by Nicky Blue


Synopsis: a dark humor novella that’s compiled of multiple sci-fi(ish) short stories surrounding a group of very quirky friends.

Here’s the thing, the footnotes are HILARIOUS. So much so, that I wish the rest of the novella followed the same tone and diction. There was something a bit stiff and formal about the main story writing. But when you got to the footnotes, there was an ease and freedom in the conversation that’s so authentic and relatable.

The footnotes started as explanations of 90s Cockney slang, but then they morphed into addendums to the story or full on micro-rants, which were stupidly funny.

Some favorites:
Barry’s love life rant.
Thomas Edison’s comparison to Barry (I died!)
Learning there’s a real phobia against people with beards - Pogonophobia.
And then anything that had to do with dogs and internal-dimensional Basset Hounds!

Alls to say, this strange journey I took brought along a lot of laughter. And for that, I’m very appreciative!

P.S. if you shy away from swearing, then maybe this isn’t for you.