A review by rabbitholereader
Petals and Stones by Joanne Burn



I'm really not sure of how I feel about this. I think I am underwhelmed, and a little confused.

Although written really well, with plenty of insights, contemporary references, and diverse religions/cultures merging together, I think that what it was missing was a good twist.

The plot was okay but it didn't grip me at all. The characters lacked a little something, especially considering the author continuously alternates between the present and the past; which gives the perfect opportunity to bring a character to life and understand their background. Instead, the author decides to explore the relationships between the four friends in the book; Uma, Daniel, Pippa and Aaron, during these throwback episodes.

The entire novel was told in Uma's perspective, although I think it would have been more interesting if the author had discontinued the 'past' point of view, and instead alternated between the four friends' perspectives. I think it would have helped me understand their individual roles in the story.

Uma is married to Daniel. Although she pines constantly after Aaron. Daniel is cheating on Uma with a mystery woman. Pippa doesn't really do a lot except drop hints that she wants Aaron. Aaron travels and comes back now and again to seemingly flirt with both Uma and Pippa and smoke joints. The entire story is a little... simple. There's no grit, no excitement.

My favourite part of this book was the first chapter. Uma finds out Daniel is cheating, and a few hours later Daniel dies in a car accident, leaving loose ends, an emotionally confused wife, and readers uttering a sharp intake of breath as they realised there would be no satisfying conclusion for the wronged spouse.

There's not really a lot that's resolved in the entirety of this debut. However it was written beautifully, and the narrative was really personable, making the entire book easy to read. Perhaps it just wasn't as entertaining as the first chapter hinted it could be.

Thank you to Net Galley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.