A review by nlgeorge73
Playing Big: Find Your Voice, Your Mission, Your Message by Tara Mohr


Even though this book was written as an extension of the "Playing Big" leadership programs, it has nothing to do with being a top executive or a how-to on climbing the corporate ladder. Tara Mohr writes this book with the intention to provide specific tools for each person to reach their full potential in any environment. The writing style is informative, never authoritarian, and encourages self-reflection of key concepts with journaling questions interspersed throughout. The format of the book reinforces key points with helpful chapter summaries titled "The Big Ideas. The highlights of the book include: Focus on acknowledging one's fears without letting them hinder your goals; Unhooking from Praise and Criticism; and Communicating with Power. One particular subject that hit home with this reader was the insightful discussion about those qualities that serve women well throughout school, but do not transfer to the work environment. I will definitely re-read this book so that I can devote more time and dig deeper so as to develop my inner mentor. Tara sums up "Playing Big" best with this statement:

"Playing Big becomes about living with fidelity to one's dreams and having power over one's fears."