A review by ktmiller_14
It Came from the Sky by Chelsea Sedoti


This was a solid book that strayed away from cliches (mostly). I was both surprised and not suppressed to see the situation get darker as the plot progressed, mostly because the government got involved. The coming of age plot of Gideon finding out what he has to cope with the fact that the future he wants may not be the future he experiences worked well with the darker happenings that his plan had attracted to the town. (Or he thought they had, later to discover it was actually because of Oswald that the FBI had come to the town.)

As some from Pennsylvania, what initially convinced me to read this book was because it was set in a town somewhere outside of Pittsburgh, called Lansburg. Overall, I would give this a 4/5 stars. I related a lot to Gideon as I often found that I experienced some of the same things he did throughout the novel when he was trying to figure things out.