A review by kzimm2024
Seduction of a Psychopomp: Erogenous Hand Holding and Other Ways to Tame your Reaper by Elsie Winters


4 stars- what a cute story. I have to say Elise Winters handled the "Reaper" thing with such tenderness and love- how refreshing. And I 100% want to believe that such a wonderful thing is happening.
I don't always follow the writing style so these books are kind of wasted on me but Grim was such a good character. Celeste was ok.

His Grandmother was a hoot:
"But that wasn’t what she said.
“I don’t know why they’re bothering. I’ve already worked everything out with Queen Danica,” she muttered. “I wouldn’t be surprised if your sister demands a bevy of goats in exchange for your hand.”

and this explains why the story unfolds like it does:
“You will need to take good care of her, Victor.” I nodded. Of course I would. “She will not be immortal immediately, and though this disease will not continue for terribly much longer beyond the ritual itself, she will still be able to be killed for several years. Your only duty during that time is to protect her.”

Grim takes this to heart:
"The fae had given me this woman as my wife, and what she wanted mattered far more to me than what they wanted, or even what my family expected of me."

When Celeste is coherent enough, she is cute:
"A deep, resonant baritone that made my breath catch and my brain stall out. I could have listened to him read the list that Cook sent out to the shops."
My entire body reacted to his arrogant, possessive tone—my cheeks heating and a strange swooping sensation building in my lower abdomen. I barely restrained myself from flaring my wings suggestively. (I loved the wing angle)
“Victor. Tell me we kissed at the wedding.” My family was going to be so horrified. His eyes went wide, but he only made eye contact with me for a fraction of a second. He probably wasn’t used to being chastised, but this was grievous.
“We did,” he said, but he didn’t sound at all convincing.
“Why do I feel like you’re lying?” He was totally lying.
Then I’d endured another torturous day of nothing but erotic hand holding that made me want to scream.
I didn’t understand how he could get me so worked up with nothing but his fingers brushing along mine, but I’d never felt so repressed in all my life.
He was too busy having an aneurism or solving the mysteries of the universe or whatever it was he was doing while staring at my tits.

I like that she doesn't play games with Apollo and Grim and that she takes the initiative in seducing him but something was off about her pursuit of him. Both are virgins but she must have fooled around more than is explained in the story since the impression I got was different than she acted out. Sweet story though.