A review by kspear22
Far from Fair by Elana K. Arnold


* I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley. *

The cover alone was enough to draw me in. The title is what really caught me, however.

I suppose to some, Odette's life would appear miserable, or eternally sad. But I found the real message to be hope. The decisions Odette makes stay true to her age, which will make it easy for readers to identify with her.

Like in every book with a message (or messages), I pray the readers identify them and use this to perhaps change their views and opinions of classmates in real life.

I'm sure that there will be some who will struggle with grandmother's decision, and maybe it will spark some controversy. I thought the handling of this topic was well-done, and hope others view this, too, as one person's decision that shouldn't influence another's choice.

Overall, I really enjoyed this story. To me, it represents what the title states: that life isn't fair. But how you handle the things thrown your way is more important than what the rest of the world sees and thinks.