A review by dc7
Transport 4: Mondbeben by Phillip P. Peterson


Reading “Transport” was fun and the first two-thirds are good, but it’s a shame that the book gets a bit boring towards the climax of all places. The book also tries to politicise the fact that death row inmates are used to test the transporter but does so in an unconvincing way.

The beginning and middle sections develop in a fast-paced, exciting way and I thoroughly enjoyed reading them. The story starts to drag and didn’t finish the book as quickly as I had started it.

There is little to no diversity amongst the characters in regards to gender, race, age, etc. Amongst a dozen plus middle-aged straight white male characters there is a single female character and the only reason why she is in the story is that she serves as the love interest for the main character. I’m sick of reading casts of characters like that.

Reading “Transport” I got the impression that the book was also pushing a bit of a current era American political agenda with the character of President Bigby but then I figured out the book was written by a German author in 2014, way before Trump. So that I found quite interesting.

Overall it’s a good read and I’d give it a shot if you like Science Fiction. I enjoyed it, but not enough to hang around for the sequel.