A review by glomdi
The Compound by S.A. Bodeen


The biggest disappointment in this book was the slow start, and believe me, it was slooooooooooow. For the first 100 pages or so Eli is just wandering around the Compound, talking about how their life is. It was interesting for a while, but you expect something to happen before 100 pages into the book.

Eli was another very annoying thing. I got that they Bodeen was trying to get the spoiled rich kid down but it was laid on way too thick. You can make someone a spoiled rich kid who's mainly looking out for himself and have him actually love his family, too. But instead he had absolutely no feelings for his family, and then when the major plot came into focus he instantly loved them with all his heart. It was like an instant transformation. Same thing with his touching fetish. One minute he hated to be touched and the next he was touching people constantly.

With these major flaws, it seems like this would be an awful book, but it actually turned out pretty good. The ending was slightly predictable but it was written well and I thought overall it was satisfying.