A review by shereadsbookssometimes
A Month with April-May by Edyth Bulbring


This book is a simple short story based in Africa with many ANNOYING references to the popular series Twilight.

April-May is a teenage girl who has a not so rich family and struggles with irritating teachers, I suppose her constant whining and experimental actions was meant to relate to a teens behaviour. Wrong! I'm just going to say not every teenager is a school skipping, smoker who enjoys tormenting the living daylight out of their teachers.

The writing style was rather basic and the story wasn't exactly captivating but it was an okay read. Now I just want to mention one thing when you read a book you do NOT want to see the words: twilight, vampire, Edward, Bella, new moon, blood and any other reference to Twilight 50 million times, that is not a way to engage your readers. But I guess the story had a moral to it, keep your real friends because fake friends are pathetic.