A review by nimirra
My Japanese Husband Thinks I'm Crazy: The Comic Book: Surviving and thriving in an intercultural and interracial marriage in Tokyo by Grace Buchele Mineta


After following Grace from her blog and subsequent YouTube channel, I was curious about her books. I enjoyed the comics I've read posted on her blog, so I planned to read the book whenever I had a chance to get my hands on it. Luckily, for me that was sooner rather than later! She very gracefully (see what I did there? ohohoho) is offering her three books currently on Amazon for free! I downloaded them at first chance and just blasted through the first.

So my thoughts on the book? Well if you're a fan of the blog or her videos and are hoping to see more of the quirky and fun musings she shares- well you're in luck. All of those elements and more are present here. I especially enjoyed the written parts where she went into further details on some background info for certain comics and the foreword written by her husband. I look forward to seeing what other amusing adventures these two (three!- sorry Marvin) get up to in the next book.