A review by anna3101
Mystic and Rider by Sharon Shinn


Wow. WOW. What a gorgeous book!

I never thought I would enjoy fantasy so much. Well ok, the romance part helped a bit :) But it was so fascinating to see this illusional world full of so many details and looking so real, and all the main characters together, side by side, through good and the bad, on a journey to change so much in everyone's lives. There was magic, there was adventure, there was danger, there was love, hope, friendship - everything. But the thing I liked best of all was this feeling of togetherness, of how a small group of people (plus one very dangerous animal) who initially doubted each other, learnt not only to cooperate but also to appreciate and protect each other.

Let's add a strong female character - no whining or fainting or mindless flirting and some really impressive magic. Aaah. LOVED it.