A review by gwendolyn_kensinger
Jackrabbit Skin by Ivy Pochoda


Swan is a tattoo artist new to a community in the California desert when a mourning desert dweller named Kurt requests a tribute tattoo to his dead wife. Swan agrees, but the locals warn don’t indulge Kurt in his tragic memories. As Kurt returns for more tattoos, the truth about his wife’s death begins to emerge in the ink. And it isn’t pretty.

I’ve been listening to these short stories in the Never Tell Collection over the past few days and I haven’t been reading a synopsis because they are short stories and about 30 mins each. Knowing what I know now I probably would have skipped it but I like completing these Amazon Original collections and finding hidden gems from time to time. Unfortunately, much like Scorpions by Rachel Howzell Hall, the previous short story in the collection this one didn't offer any thrills and it was just kind of a bizarre story honestly. I am not familiar with the author’s work, but it sort of felt like a fever dream. Not my vibe.