A review by kathijo63
Following Atticus: Forty-Eight High Peaks, One Little Dog, and an Extraordinary Friendship by Tom Ryan


Week 5 of the 2018 Reading Challenge: A book about or inspired by real events.

2018 Popsugar Challenge: A Book About Death or Grief

For me, Atticus very much brought to mind Merle from "Merle's Door: Lessons from a Freethinking Dog". Tom - Atticus' human - had the same approach to him. There was no formal training - he just talked to him and let Atticus do his thing and he was a very well-behaved pup.

I was fascinated by the story of their hikes and the description of the mountains. It makes me want to do some hiking when the weather improves. I have no interest in winter hiking in the NH mountains - or in completing all 48 peaks!

Overall it was a good read although I thought the author was a little too self-congratulatory at times.