A review by bibliophilebynight
Entangled by Cat Clarke


Ok so I had a few issues with this book...

What I liked about this book:

1. I read it in one day so it was easy enough to know what happens at the end - this book did make me want to know what happened at the end, mostly just prove I was right (refer to my part about what I didn't like)

2. The beginning definitely kick started the story. The first line kickstarted the story so it had me in the first page which is hard for most books

3. The story tackled a few things that have not been tackled in most YA books. Grace wants to commit suicide (you eventually find out why) and she cuts herself throughout the book. This books shows that is self harming is a illness. It shows that sometimes that is a way of coping with the world that is surrounding you

What I didn't like:

1. I knew exactly what the twist was right from the beginning. This kinda made the plot really hard to suprise me. I also knew who Ethan was so for me it was kinda just me reading through trying the story to pretty much confirm what I thought at the beginning.

2. I just could not feel sorry for the main character. I am sorry I really really tried but Grace just whines way too much and in just so self absorbed through out the book...she doesn't even see what is right in front of her (even though I totally could). Her jealousy and issues just grate me the wrong way I guess. Both her and her best friend are just raging alcoholics at the age of 17. That much alcohol cannot be good for you I swear.

For me this book just had a little too many issues for me to really enjoy it. The emotional stuff also took a toll as well just from experience. Others may however enjoy this book much more than I did

Happy Reading!