A review by a_h_haga
Curse on the Land by Faith Hunter



I still really, really enjoy Nell as a character, and this book is very interesting to me on many levels. I love nature, and the general plot of this book being what it is, it really speaks to me.
And, other than this and what I said in my original review, I don't have much more to say about the book.
Well written and with good characters, even if I still have trouble distinguishing between the witch and the human of U18 - I don't even remember their names at the moment, but that's because of heat-fatigue.

I'm keeping the original rating.
Not sure if my problem with writing a review for this book is because my brain is all foggy, or because the book didn't stick to me.
I know that last part is wrong, for I found this book really interesting, even if all the plots within a plot thing made my head spin, and I'm still having trouble remembering who all the different characters are, especially when introducing so many other characters as this book did.

Other than that, I can't think of anything else I didn't like with the book.
The story was, as said, interesting, and I like Nell a lot. Her growing into her powers is also really, really interesting, and I'm looking forward to getting around to the next book.