A review by anitalouise
Just Stay by Aria Grace


**I was given a copy of this book by the author in exchange for an honest review.**

So this is more of a 3.5 but I have rounded up to a 4. What an interesting group of guys. Dylan and Spencer met rather unconventionally at the end of book 3 [bc:Choosing Happy|20895061|Choosing Happy (More Than Friends, #3)|Aria Grace|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1393224265s/20895061.jpg|40238196] so you should read that book before you try this one. Dylan has now been given more responsibility over the business now but I have to say that Dylan and his crew are not very clever criminals. That business with the cameras... shocking. Just from watching crime shows on television, I would have known what should have been done. However, it is the individual characters that mesmerize you. Spencer was adorkable with his geeky, stuttering self. Spencer is Steve's friend. I really liked him and his reaction to Dylan. And the secondary characters, Georgie and Andre really made an impression on me. I hope we get books about them. But Dylan was an enigma to me. Though the book is written in dual POVs, I still didn't connect with Dylan well. Almost as if his personality was one dimensional. I wonder if this is a trait in this author's books, but the relationship seemed to develop rather quickly. Now this wasn't insta-love in the least but I didn't really feel their togetherness. Not sure if that's making sense. It might be because they spend some time apart for a good portion of the book. We also don't get lots of sexy time. They have some phone sex but I wanted man on man love!! We do see Steve and Joey from book 3 and Joey is still the cutest. And my final quibble, if you will, is the random stuff that goes on - fires, drugging, Dylan's sister, Heather and her stuff - it didn't all make a lot of sense.
Why did these bad guys want Andre??? To help them start their own forgery business??
. All in all, I wanted just a little more story and more of a meaningful connection between the MCs and a lot more sexy time. But the guys - Spencer, Steve,Joey, Andre, Georgie, even Dylan and the new hottie we meet, Patton, are all an excellent reason to read the book. Onto to book 5..