A review by yazzy101
Elements of Chemistry: Capture by Penny Reid


This was a 1000x easier to finish then the other book, and it has gotten me back into reading. I'm excited to read another book, and have completely forgotten why I was even in a lull in the first place.

Kaitlyn and Martin reunite in this book. And I know that everyone of you know how this book is going to end. with them together. you simply can't have a romance book like this and the two main characters - who are 'meant to be' - not end up together. It's not even a spoiler, really. It really is quite obvious. The real mystery is in the how they get back together. Which is what kept me going. It did take the whole book for them to get together, I will spoil that much.

Martin grows and changes in the many months that they have been apart, and continues to do so with the help and inspiration of Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn has also changed, she's come out of her shell, left the closet behind and embrace her passions and her music. She and Martin are happy where they are in their lives, but they have a hole in their chest which they need the other to fill.

I loved this book, it was captivating. Even with the constant bombarding of emotions every time Martin did something. I feel like this is one of the first books that is well written enough to have this much emotion without being completely whiny and not wanting to stop reading because I can't handle how pathetic I feel either character is. However, the was a bit at the end, where I really hated how obtuse and blind Kaitlyn was to Martin. Like seriously, so many hints it was painfully obvious - literally to read because it was so completely obvious and she was just so blind to it.

We also got to learnt the answers to all the questions their break-up left us wanting, Martin explained himself and so did she, so they where both on the same page. And if I'm being brutally honest, this book could have been a chapter long if they didn't dance around their/each others feelings for so long, like if they had just been, at the start of the book, hey I'm still in love with you, this whole book would have been redundant.