A review by karlijnmerle
The Truth About Riley by Henrietta Clarke


Deep sigh. Hard to describe my feelings right now. The end is killing me. Where o where is book 2? Please, give me!

"There's something about lying in the dark with someone baring your soul, you know? I think, in a way, it's my safe place. If I've had this conversation, then when the walls start closing in, I can shut my eyes and I'm safe in the dark, knowing I'm not alone because there's someone else's voice right there with me. I don't think there's anything in this world more lonely than light and silence."

What I love about this book?
- Riley
- Cam. So full of hope, understanding and love.
- Carlotta. Everybody needs a mom like Carlotta.
- their phone conversations
- their movie-date
- their dates through the phone
- the songs Cam sends to Riley, 'True Colors'.
- the nicknames Buttercup and Munchkin
- the phone conversation with Riley's niece

I think I understand why some people say their phone conversations are too long. But I disagree with that. I think that they are perfect and let us see how Riley is so full self-doubt. He thinks he is not loveable, that he is disgusting and everyone is scared of his face. But during the phone calls he slowly falls in love with Cam and his feelings make him doubt. He is used to his own disgusting feelings about himself, so when Cam keeps saying he likes him (is even in love with him) he don't know what to do anymore. It shows us how such an event can haunt people. Yes, it is three years ago but it never left Riley. He deals with the pain everyday and such a thing isn't easy to solve. It takes a long time and that is reality.

Now I really want to read book 2, I can't wait because I need to know how their life will look like after Riley takes of the blindfold.

"You're just the same as everyone else, Cam's voice said in his head. You're not a freak, not an outcast. You just need to find the right person to walk through life with. Your load may be heavier, but you don't have to carry it alone."